Graphical User Interface design

ELDAM GUI uses the well known graphical framework Qt with its Python binding PyQt5. Among the multiple advantages of this approach is the ability to design the interface using QtCreator, a Qt interface creation software. Files generated by Qt creator can then be read by PyQt5 to bind them to the Python logic.

MainWindow is the class corresponding to the main window. It is composed of separated widgets for each tab of ELDAM’s interface. Each widget’s design is defined in a dedicated .ui file while its logic is coded in a dedicated Python class inheriting EldamWidget.

ELDAM version check

At startup, ELDAM will launch check_eldam_version() which will compare the current ELDAM version (found in ELDAM_VERSION) to the result of get_last_eldam_version_number() and inform the user in case of new available ELDAM version.


get_last_eldam_version_number() returns the last ELDAM version number based on tags of the Gitlab repository. Therefore this feature needs that every new release commit of ELDAM is given a tag like V1.2-release.

Error management

The class UncaughtHook() is used to catch exceptions and display it to the user in a new window.
