Reading from a SimaPro .xlsx export file ======================================== Exporting a SimaPro process --------------------------- SimaPro features multiples ways and format to export processes. ELDAM has been designed to handle only .xlsx files. They must be exported via SimaPro's main LCA Explorer view (select a process and then `File/Export`). Export parameters must be set as shown in the image below: .. image:: ../_static/export_setup.PNG :name: Export setup :target: ../_static/export_setup.PNG Reading a SimaPro .xlsx file ---------------------------- The :class:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader` class allows to read and extract data from a SimaPro .xlsx export file. A :class:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader` object is built from a SimaPro export file path and contains a list named :attr:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader.processes_data` with every data collected from the SimaPro export for each process and a list named :attr:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader.common_parameters_data` containing the project and database level parameters exported. The boolean attribute :attr:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader.convert_expressions_to_constants` indicates if the processes have been exported from SimaPro with the *Convert expressions to constants* option. The method :meth:`~eldam.core.simapro.SimaProXlsxReader.to_processes` allows to convert the SimaPro export to a list of instances of :class:`~eldam.core.lci_data.Process`. .. code-block:: python from eldam.core.simapro import SimaProXlsxReader filepath = 'path/to/export/file.xlsx' processes = SimaProXlsxReader(filepath).to_processes() process = processes[0]